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Back-torque clutch cam, manufactured by EVS for all Ducati Dry Clutch.
Lightened and high quality drum assy inner basket entirely made of aluminium and compatible with Ducati original 6-speed dry clutch system. Weight : 656gr.
Lightened and high quality drum assy inner basket entirely made of aluminium and compatible with Ducati original 6-speed dry clutch system. In blue "Superbikes Edition". Recalling the iconic Ducati triumphs. Weight : 656gr.
Ducati 748, 916 and 996 EVR Eprom Kit of maximum efficiency, with air filters and grids of Ram Air intakes.
Pair of Pistons for 996 Desmoquattro engines with 98 diameter of high compression. Performance enhancement... More CV with the pair!! With EVR's highest quality. Compatible with the original cylinders.
EVR original compression Pair of pistons for the legendary Ducati 916 as well as Monster S4. Compatible with original cylinders. Also available in high compression version.
Pair of Racing pistons of high compression, diameter 96 and pin 20 for Ducati 916. Cylinder increase to 955. Also available in pin 21. The mounting requires cylinder replacement or rebore.
EVR pair of Pistons of high compression Ø100 diameter for 998cc Testastretta engines. They fit with Ducati 998,999,S4Rs and S4R (testastretta), with original cylinder.
Race pistons of high compresion with 853cc cylinder increase and diameter 94 for Ducati 748 Desmocuattro. Requires cylinder replacement or rebore. When making your purchase specify your exact model of 748, if it is E, S or R.
EVR pair of high compression and 94 diameter pistons for the legendary Ducati 916. Compatible with original cylinders.
Pair of Racing pistons of high compression, diameter 96 and pin 21 for Ducati 916. Cylinder increase to 955. The mounting requires cylinder replacement or rebore.
The most famous 748 power kit on the market by de prestigious EVR brand. This kit has been designed with the philosophy of the new Ducati engines.