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Special anti-theft screw for Ducati exhaust. The screw is supplied with its exclusive key to prevent it from being tampered with by thieves and vandal. Measures: M10x30mm Pitch: 1.50mm
Special anti-theft screw for Ducati exhaust. The screw is supplied with its exclusive key to prevent it from being tampered with by thieves and vandal. Measures: M8x35mm Pitch: 1.50mm
Thermal strip by the prestige brand SAMCO for exhaust pipes and manifolds. 15 meters X 27 mm.
SPARK Racing central body 45-50mm for Ducati Superbike 748, 916, 996, 998. Required for installation of SPARK d.50mm slips-on
SPARK slips-on d.50 for Ducati Superbike*. APPROVED. Offer substantial power increases as well as dramatic weight saving and rich sound. Only for SPARK central body GDU1102
SPARK slips-on d.45mm for Ducati Superbike*. APPROVED. Offer substantial power increases as well as dramatic weight saving and rich sound.
SPARK slips-on d.50 for Ducati Superbike*. APPROVED. Offer substantial power increases as well as dramatic weight saving and rich sound. Only for SPARK central body GDU1102
SPARK slips-on d.45mm for Ducati Superbike*. APPROVED. Offer substantial power increases as well as dramatic weight saving and rich sound.