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Producto oficial Ducati original 100% garantizado.FOOTREST PIN 82115212AA La pieza de repuesto perno estribo número 82115212AA es un recambio original de Ducati, lo que significa que es exactamente la misma que la que se montó en la fábrica cuando el vehículo era nuevo. Product on request subject to availability from the Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. factory.
Original Ducati high sealed rubber O-ring. Unit price. Sku: 88641161A
Original Ducati footrest spring ball for original Ducati footrest. Sku: 84740021A
Original anchoring footrests safety clip. Original Ducati Part. Unite price. This part number replaces: 017091730
Safety clip for anchoring the footrests with the Ducati OEM footrests. 100% original Ducati spare part. Compatible with various models. Price by unit. SKU: 88450021A
Ducati Original OEM footrest Plate for genuie support Ducati. 82711611B
Ducati Original OEM footrest spring for genuie support Ducati.
Ducati Performance OEM gear selector lever rubber for Ducati. Sku : 76510171A
Ducati Multistrada Enduro 1200 and 1260 Original OEM footrest spring for genuie support Ducati. Sku: 79916201AA
Ducabike RPPIF01 Spare Rubber for Ducati Unit price.
Original footrest bush. Original Ducati OEM Part. Unite price. Replace the follow original part number: 800059056
Genuine Ducati footrest spring stop. It ensures the correct operation of the spring when contracting the passenger footrest.