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O-ring for Ducati clutch cover created by California Cycle works, for secure sealing of the cover once opened for failure or maintenance.
Revolutionnary O-ring from the prestige American brand, California Cycle Works, for Ducati generator housing. This O-ring allows you to seal the casing with the maximum safety once opened due to maintenance or malfunction.
Timing belt Kit California Cycle worksfor Ducati Monster 696 and 796. The best straps for Ducati in the world. California Cycle works ensures superior to the Ducati OEM performance and guarantee the best quality in their products. It includes both. See compatibility below.
Ducati Fuel Pump Rebuild Kit. Unfortunately when a Ducati has problems with the fuel pump you can only buy the complete pump that costs hundreds of Euros. carbon4us allows fixing the problems of the pump in a simple, reliable and economic way.
EFI fuel pump for Ducati. Unfortunately when a Ducati has problems with the fuel pump you can only buy the complete pump that costs hundreds of Euros. California Cycle Works allows fixing the problems of the pump in a simple, reliable and economic way.
Timing belt Kit California Cycle works for engines 1000 and 1100. The best straps for Ducati in the world. California Cycle works ensures superior to the Ducati OEM performance and guarantee the best quality in their products. It includes both.
Ducati set the new standard for fun and hooligan when they introduced the Hypermotard. The Hyper's compact and nimble design necessitated a small fuel tank in the original design. Ducati enthusiasts like to enjoy their bikes in the canyons and to ride to work and found the 100 mile range lacking.