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Red fixing tape for Ducati. Secure your motorcycle when transporting it. With great clamping force and extraordinary tear resistance. 300mm X 25mm, big resistance (till 1000 kg).
Red ratchet fixing tape for Ducati. Secure your motorcycle when transporting it. With great clamping force and extraordinary tear resistance. 350mm X 25mm, big resistance.
Ducati Performance Side kickstand base, red color. It increases the support surface of the kickstand, so as to allow a good stability of the bike even on the most difficult terrain.
Ducati Performance Side kickstand base, black color. It increases the support surface of the kickstand, so as to allow a good stability of the bike even on the most difficult terrain.
Bike-Lift rear stand supports with V diabolos of exceptional quality and price for your Ducati. The kit includes both supports.
Bike-Lift front stand flat supports of exceptional quality and price for your Ducati. The kit includes both supports.
Bike-Lift rear stand flat paddock stands of exceptional quality and price for your Ducati. The kit includes both supports.
Cover protective for the prestigious Ducati brand OXFORD. In three sizes available M, L, XL this cover is 100% waterproof and keeps painting your bike in perfect condition thanks to a special touch. Also has holes in the front for safety lock and has a safety lock on the bottom to weather (wind, rain etc) abroad
Bike-Lift Ø30mm Bolt for Ducati single-arm right stand. Very Easy to fit and replace. High strenght!
Ø30mm Bolt for Ducati single-arm right stand. Very Easy to fit and replace. High strenght!
Ducabike M8 rear stand support for Ducati. Machined aluminum alloy with subsequent anodized surface and stainless steel screws. Ensure operating speed for any operation that must be carried on a motorcycle.