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Original Ducati high sealed rubber O-ring. Unit price. Sku: 88641161A
Original Ducati footrest spring ball for original Ducati footrest. Sku: 84740021A
Original anchoring footrests safety clip. Original Ducati Part. Unite price. This part number replaces: 017091730
Safety clip for anchoring the footrests with the Ducati OEM footrests. 100% original Ducati spare part. Compatible with various models. Price by unit. SKU: 88450021A
Ducabike RPPIF01 Spare Rubber for Ducati Unit price.
Original footrest bush. Original Ducati OEM Part. Unite price. Replace the follow original part number: 800059056
Genuine Ducati gear and brake pedal bolt. Easily replace the OEM part. Price by unit.
This rubber is an original Ducati replacement component designed to fit the shift and brake pedals on the Ducati Streetfighter and Panigale V4. It provides a firm and comfortable grip on the pedal, enhancing safety and control while riding. Made with high-quality materials. Price per unit.
LOCTITE® 243™ Primerless, Oil Tolerant, Medium Strength, Removable Blue Threadlocker is an oil tolerant, removable, medium strength, blue threadlocker designed for the locking and sealing of threaded fasteners between 1/4" and 3/4" (6 to 20 mm). It not only works on active metals (e.g. brass, copper) but also on passive substrates such as stainless steel...
Ducati universal Fixed Peg Rear Brake or gear lever M6 by CNC Racing. Made in light alloy, machined from solid and then anodized. Price by unit!
CNC Racing footpeg end cap made from a light alloy, machined from billet, with subsequent anodization of the surface.
CNC Racing caps to place in the hole by removing the passenger footrests in Ducati, protecting them from water and dirt. Manufactured from a solid piece of aluminum and with anodized surface in various colors. Price for pair.
DUCABIKE rearset lever eccentric pin for rear brake lever or shifter. Unit price.
DUCABIKE rearset lever eccentric pin for rear brake lever or shifter. Unit price.