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Original Ducati high sealed rubber O-ring. Unit price. Sku: 88641161A
Original Ducati footrest spring ball for original Ducati footrest. Sku: 84740021A
Original anchoring footrests safety clip. Original Ducati Part. Unite price. This part number replaces: 017091730
Genuine screw with M10X46 measurements for Ducati footpegs. Very resistan screw to withstand high loads and impacts. Price by unit. This screw, replace the part number: 77912141B
Ducati Original OEM footrest spring for genuie support Ducati. Sku: 79914991A
Ducabike RPPIF01 Spare Rubber for Ducati Unit price.
Original footrest bush. Original Ducati OEM Part. Unite price. Replace the follow original part number: 800059056
Ducati Original OEM right footrest rubber cover for genuie support Ducati. It mounts together with the reference footrest: 46410591AA Sku: 76510021A
Ducati Original OEM left footrest rubber cover for genuie support Ducati. It mounts together with the reference footrest: 46410601AA Sku: 76510031A
Original screw for Ducati OEM rearsets. High resistance steel. Ducati original spare part.
LOCTITE® 243™ Primerless, Oil Tolerant, Medium Strength, Removable Blue Threadlocker is an oil tolerant, removable, medium strength, blue threadlocker designed for the locking and sealing of threaded fasteners between 1/4" and 3/4" (6 to 20 mm). It not only works on active metals (e.g. brass, copper) but also on passive substrates such as stainless steel...
This cable allows the use of the Ducati Electronic quickshifter when using GP (reverse) shift. Plug&Play: just follow the wiring starting from the cell. Disconnect the first plug you encounter and insert the CNC wiring between the two connectors. At this point the cell will send the inverted signal to the ECU.